
  • Central Districts Fullarton Teams - Open 10A

    CENTRAL DISTRICTS FULLARTON TEAMS OPEN 10A Venue Napier Bridge Club Kindly sponsored by Ron Massey, Massey Manufacturing Jewellers, Napier Date: Saturday 17th August and 18th August 2024 Start Time: 1.30pm Saturday 17August, (2 sessions) 9.30am Sunday 18 August, (1 session) Entry Fee: $85.00 per player Catering: Light meal provided between sessions on SaturdayMeal provided at end of play on SundayNibbles, tea and coffee during sessions Entries Close: Wednesday 14th... read more...
    Saturday, 17 August 2024 by Peter Hug
  • Interesting Podcast!

    View this email in your browser In this episode we revisit our conversation withEnglish champion Sarah Bell.Sarah has many fascinating things to say about her playing style and how her game really developed once she shifted from avoidance motivation to approach motivation. But first, we kibitz!Never miss an episode ... "Follow" usin your favorite podcast app and you'll never miss a show. You can find us onApple podcasts,Spotifyorwhereveryou get your podcasts. PS. "following" us is easy once you're... read more...
    Friday, 19 July 2024 by Sandie Hampton
  • Newsletter 18 July 2024

    Contribution from the QOH. Reminders regarding courtesy at the bridge table. Always be courteous at the bridge table. This applies to how one relates to partner, the opponents and the Director when s/he is called. Avoid any remark or action that might cause embarrassment to any other player – or which might interfere with his/her enjoyment of the game. It is always good practice to greet your new opponents at the table. The Director should always be called to the table in a courteous manner.... read more...
    Friday, 19 July 2024 by Sandie Hampton
  • Newsletter 15 July 2024

    Yvonne Whittle and Lynnaire Hampton won the Monday afternoon Royal Tournament. Both Yvonne and Lynnaire have been long time members of the club and are pretty sharp at the bridge table. Alison and Mike Williamson won our Thursday night Swiss pairs. It was a tight race to the finish but the Williamsons had that chemistry to pull it off. From the committee meeting held yesterday We have our 60th birthday in January and by a majority vote the committee has decided that the Napier Restricted Pairs... read more...
    Friday, 19 July 2024 by Sandie Hampton
  • Newsletter 23 June 2024

    Welcome to my belated newsletter. So much has been happening during the month. Hawkes Bay Congress. There was a great contingent of players who participated. Great to see. Suzanne Ahipene and Adrienne Cudby won the Junior pairs Jacqui Rye, Dianne Brady, Hisayo Shimizu, won this trophy for the second year. They have now moved up to Junior, so we need our novices to step up and win the trophy next year. The lady in the middle was the sponsor. Sue Scott, Peter Bannister and Carol (From Havelock... read more...
    Monday, 24 June 2024 by Sandie Hampton
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